Friday, April 27, 2012

A Boy and His King

This is the tale of two boys who grew up in the same village in the shadows of the same castle ruled by the same king.  The two boys had different mothers, different friends, and a different way of looking at their same king.

One bright summer day, the two boys met in the field between the castle and the village.  As boys typically do, they became fast friends and began running around sword fighting and dreaming of what it would be like to be a knight, and this is when their friendship almost fell apart.

Being a knight meant protecting the king and advancing his kingdom.  For one boy, Thadeus, this was no problem.  He loved the king.  For the other boy, Sheamus, this was a real problem because he could not stand the king.

So, as boys do, they began to have the mother-said conversation.

"My mother said he was mean and heartless."

"Mother told me he was generous and caring."

"My mother said he would kill you if you do anything wrong at all."

"Mother said he was gentle and gracious."

"My mother said he is never around when the village really needs him."

"Mother said that he is always here and wants nothing but the best for us."

Sheamus huffs and asks Thadeus, "Well, what do you know?"

"Well, Sheamus, I know the king.  I've met him in person.  He was really nice to me.  I've actually eaten at his table and slept in his castle.  He loves me like my mom and dad love me."

" know the king?  How did you meet him?  Weren't you scared?"

Thadeus looked at the ground for a moment thinking how to answer this question.  He was a little scared, but not for the reasons Sheamus meant.  And scared really wasn't the right word.  He was in awe of the king because he was, after all, the king, and he knew kings held great power.  He wanted his new friend to know the king the way he did.  He didn't like that someone would think this wonderful man to be heartless and cruel.

Thadeus answered, "I was a little nervous because I wanted to please him.  My mom and dad had always said such wonderful things about him, and I wanted him to know how much we loved him, how much we appreciated all that he has done for us."

"Ok, but HOW did you get to go into his castle?  We are just small, poor peasants who mean nothing to him.  Why would he have people like us eat his wonderful food?"

"We asked.  He wants us to ask him to join him at his table.  He prepares food and drink enough for the whole village in the hopes that we will all come and eat with him.  And he doesn't look at us like peasants.  He told us that we are like sons and daughters to him and will inherit his kingdom.  All his riches are ours, too.  You just have to ask."

Sheamus was completely stumped.  This did not sound at all like the king his mother and father had told him about.  He wanted to know this king.  He wanted to be around this king.  He would gladly and proudly serve this king as a knight of the realm.  More than anything, he wanted his parents to hear this news.

Stories don't always have happy endings.  Sheamus' parents never did believe the stories he told them, but his heart was set on knowing the king the way Thadeus did.  He finally did, and it was better than he could have ever imagined.

Are we letting wrong perceptions of God keep others from His table?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Walls, Toilet Paper and Sanctuary

For the last couple of years God has laid on my heart the need for the church, or people of the church, to be more vulnerable.  I've been a more than a little concerned about the average church-goer's need to appear that everything is in perfect order.  Marriage is perfect.  Finances are perfect.  Job is perfect.  Even the kids are perfect.

Oh, and did I mention my walk with Christ could not be any better.  I wake up and hear angels singing.  He answers every prayer and speaks to me in every quiet time.  I sing praise songs all day and pray when I'm not singing.  God and I are tight!

The unchurched and dechurched come in, see this, and feel they can't possibly measure up.  This has become a passion of mine.  To see church goers become real and honest.  I think if we can lose this air of having it all together, we can become more relatable.  Church people mess up, too, and I think it's time we stop sweeping our messes under the rug.

So, in the spirit of honesty and confession, I slipped up a couple weeks ago.  You see, I used to have a real anger issue.  I came to realize that it was a direct result of unconfessed sin in my life.  I have since repented of this sin and have sought to draw nearer to God, and as a result, the anger has largely subsided.  Well, I got angry the other day...really angry.  So angry I did something that I haven't done in years... I punched  a wall.  You know the worse part...the straw that sent me over was dropping a roll of toilet paper into the toilet.  Are you kidding me?

I'm not proud of this at all.  In fact, I am quite ashamed, and the shame hit me faster than the pain from hitting the wall.  My hand swelled up and, in fact, two weeks after the incident, is still causing me some trouble.  I thought I was past this.  I thought I had things under control.  I am better than what I was, but it became apparent that night that I still have work to do.

So, what was I going to tell everyone?  It was obvious I had done something to my hand as it was twice it's normal size, but to tell people I had punched a wall out of anger was not something I wanted to do.  I know.  I'll lie.  I'll tell them I smashed it in a door or had something fall on it.  Nobody can know the truth because they will think less of me.

And then God reminds me of what He has been trying to teach me.  Wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity to let people know I am not perfect and still have my struggles?  What about all the prayer support I would missing out on if I don't share?

So...the very next evening I had praise team practice, and before the practice, we have a time of devotion and sharing.  The time came for prayer request and, shedding all my pride, I shared my story.  What I found was not judgment, but love.  What I found was not scorn and ridicule, but encouragement and support.  In fact, someone in the group opened up about a similar problem.

Now I know that a small group is supposed to be a safe environment, but shouldn't the church be also.  I miss the days when we used to call our worship center a sanctuary.  I love that word and all it implies.  I hear that word and think safety and comfort.  Maybe it's what we're missing.  Maybe the unchurched or dechurched don't feel safe.  It should be the one place in the world where we can all come as we are, with all of our baggage and mess.  We shouldn't have to leave it at home or check it at the door.  Maybe, just maybe, if church leaders start sharing their struggles, we can be known as a place of security and acceptance and lose our label as cold, judgmental, hypocritical people.