Friday, February 14, 2014

It's Me Again!

I have not written in some time, almost 2 full years.  I do so now with lots of questions and even more doubts. So why start up again?  What do I write about?  Will anyone read it?  Will I offend people?  How will I deal with any scathing responses?  Do I have anything to say?

Well, to answer the first question, I write because I can no longer NOT write.  I am not creative, cannot make stuff with my hands, but I have felt for some time the need to produce/make something.  I am not necessarily a good writer, but, frankly, it's my only option.  What I am is open.  I share too much too often, but sometimes people connect with that.  It's one of the things I feel is wrong with the church today, but that's the subject for another time.

Feeling a strong need to write is one thing.  Actually doing it, is another.  Once a month I meet with a good friend.  Well, we just started last month.  We decided we would hold each other accountable for professional and personal goals.  I decided my goal would be to write at least twice a month.  So, now I have motivation to make it happen.

Coming up with a subject matter is something I worry about. This same friend, who also writes, said just to write. Get started and let it come to me.  That's what I'm doing.  I thought maybe I would respond to Donald Miller's blogs on the church.  Maybe I would write about grace.  Perhaps the gospel according to M*A*S*H, my favorite show.  Maybe...

The answer to the remaining questions is I can't worry about that.  If no one reads it, I've learned a lot in the writing, and I've scratched an itch.  I won't set out to offend people, but I know it might happen.  I'll write out of a place of love, love for people and love for the Gospel.  The Gospel tends to offend people, but my conscience will be clear.  I'll deal with responses out of that same love.

We all have something to say, a story to tell, a testimony to give.  I have decided that I want to tell mine, and I believe Yahweh will honor the telling, in spite of bad grammar and poor prose.  I want to live my life out loud, and this is the best way I know to do it.

If you decide to read my writings, I can't promise anything new and profound.  I can't promise anything mistake free or moving.  What I can promise is myself, laid open and honest.  I can promise each and every word will be soaked in thought and prayer.  My passion is to see the church universal being vulnerable and real.  I think too many are closed off and afraid to admit they haven't got it all together. It's got to start somewhere.

photo credit: bachmont via photopin cc

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